We make 100% secure shipments to all parts of the world through UPS, we have an agreement with UPS parcels where they give us a 60% discount on normal shipping.

The parcel company is safe and fast, if your order has not arrived you can dial and they will answer you quickly.

How do I know how much I'm going to pay?

When adding the weight of your products and entering your zip code, Balam will automatically calculate how much shipping will be in your shopping cart, in some cases it will give you the choice if you want it to be terrestrial or overnight following.

Shipping to the United States in 3 to 6 business days

Kilos Dollars Pesos
1 18.36 390
1.5 18.98 410
2 21.33 427
2.5 22.86 457
3 24.21 484
3.5 25.17 503
4 26.13 523
4.5 26.61 532
5 27.22 544
5.5 27.83 557
6 27.96 559
6.5 28.31 566
7 28.79 576
7.5 30.09 602
8 31.27 625
8.5 31.79 636
9 32.32 646
9.5 33.06 661
10 34.10


Don't worry if you are from another part of this planet, the cart will show how much they will charge you.

Shipping to the United States and Canada next day.

Kilos Dollars Pesos
1 28.25 630
1.5 30.1 650
2 32.45 670
2.5 34.9 698
3 37.3 746
3.5 39.75 795
4 42.2 844
4.5 44.3 886
5 46.2 924
5.5 47.55 951
6 49.2 984
6.5 50.9 1018
7 52.6 1052
7.5 55.25 1105
8 57.45 1149
8.5 60.15 1203
9 62.65 1253
9.5 65.35 1307
10 67.5 1350